Leaving Japan for Overseas

Move out Notification – I already accomplished this but my ward office mentioned that they do not issue Move out Certificate if the move is overseas. Did it happen to anyone too?

Pension Refund – How did you do to prove that you do not have residence in Japan (if you do not have Move out Certificate)?

Tax Representative – Is it ok to designate this after the pension refund and after leaving Japan?

MyNa ID Card – Do I also need to return this?

What are your other tips? Thank you!

  1. When I notified my city hall I was leaving Japan and moving back to my home country, I did not receive a move out certification.

    For the my number ID card, I guess it depends on your city hall. My city hall told me to keep it. Did you ask your city hall when you notified them that you were leaving Japan?

  2. For the pension refund, you can send a scan of your residence card with a hole punched in it (they’ll do this at passport control in the airport when you say you aren’t returning).

  3. The moving out certificate (tenshutsu todoke) is only available when you’re moving domestically. The paper you can get from city hall that shows you no longer have a Japanese address is a juminhyo no johyou (source = the After JET Guide. Google it and it will come up and walk you literally step by step the pension refund process too)

  4. For the pension refund, they are able to confirm with your city hall that you no longer live in Japan, so as long as you have submitted the moving out notice, you do not need to do anything else when applying. I believe it also says this on the application form under necessary documents to submit.

    If possible, it is much easier if you can designate someone you trust before you leave so the process is much smoother. It is also a lot easier to get things like this sorted while you are here rather than after you leave. Same goes for anything that would require power of attorney etc.

    Your My Number Card is connected to your status of residence and you do not need to return it. However, if you ever move back, the one you have will be invalid and you will need to have a new card reissued.

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