Good buffet in tokyo

Hi everyone, I need some help with finding a good buffet restaurant in Tokyo. Japan has a lot of buffet options like 焼肉 or すき焼き, but I noticed that there are not many buffets that offer seafood like lobster. I tried searching on Google Maps, but I couldn’t find any similar places. Well, maybe I’m just looking for a tasty buffet in general, so I hope you can tell me some of the restaurants that you think are delicious! Thank you for your advices! Also, English is not my first language, I apologize if my words confuse you.

  1. Not buffet, but SteamCrabLabo in Musashi-Koyama has all-you-can-eat (2h) courses of various crab.

  2. To be honest, they’re all not good. I had better ones in Okinawa, maybe because produce is cheaper there. They will have one or two good dishes and the rest are bland fillers. Or maybe because I’ve been spoiled by better buffets overseas so I find Japan buffet lacking.

  3. The buffet at the New Otani has always been very good, but a little pricey. FYI, my friends and I are the reason you now only get 1 glass of champagne.

  4. Asian palm near hatagaya, lunch buffet 1200 yen, comes with naan, salad, drinks, dessert, couple of curries and additional side dishes.

    Weekday only, but super worth.

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