Kale chips substitutes?

So I wanted to make Kale chips but I have found out that in Japan, Kale is really difficult to find, especially in my supermarkets near me.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any other substitutes that I can use instead of kale which has similar benefits and such!


  1. As a starter, I would ask someone at the supermarket if they stock kale. My local supermarkets only have a few packages about 25% of the time I go, so you might just be unlucky on your visits.

    I can’t really think of anything as *dry* as kale that would make good chips. There’s komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) but it’s almost as watery as spinach. Shungiku would probably burn.

  2. As an alternative: pretty different taste, but maybe sweet potato chips? Genuinely not sure about the health details but I assume they’re healthier than regular chips, or at least they seem marketed as such. Or possibly kabocha chips?

    Or some sort of dried seaweed, which would be easily available here.

  3. I’m not sure about homemade versions but I buy edamame chips sometimes, since those are also advertised as a healthier chip alternative (not sure of the statistics to say how / if it actually is healthier though)

  4. Broccoli, califlower are in the same family. Also carrot, potato, zucchinni can be all sliced into thin pieces. Add oil, garlic powder, salt, pepper. Bake in oven until crisp.

  5. I’ve replaced my kale chips habit with dried seaweed sheets. It’s not as satisfying, but seaweed has its own benefits. I also bought a popcorn maker + kernels, which satisfies that craving for crunch (tho none of the benefits).

    I’ve worked more seaweed, nuts, chia seeds and hemp seeds into my daily menu.

    For homemade veggie chips at home, I haven’t found any leafy greens that quite crisp up the same way.

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