“That hit the spot”

Getting bored of saying おいしいかった!
Is there a natural way to say you feel good, satisfied, or that food “hit the spot” in Japanese? I feel like I have heard something before but have not been able to find anything that seems accurate online. I’m comfortable using おいしいかった if it’s the best way to articulate these ideas but when someone cooks a homemade meal or we eat an especially large amount or something unique to a place I would like to mix it up. Thanks for any recommendations!

  1. When I was in Japan I always used 旨い (うまい) or 旨かった (うまかった)

  2. In informal setting you may use phrases like すげーうめー!マジ最高だ!めっちゃおいしい! etc.

  3. おなかがいっぱい。It literally means my stomach is full and could be another way to express you’re satisfied with the food you just ate in an informal setting.

  4. I didn’t see anyone else say this, and maybe it was just a mistype but it’s おいしかった (just one い).

    Regarding your question, I think おいしい and うまい are pretty much what everyone uses to describe tasty food. I don’t know of any other common ways to describe how good food is

  5. Found some expressions that I might see in a literature or hear in a foodie show. Link to the source -> https://hyogen.info/scate/589721

    Finely ballanced 絶妙

    Appearance aside, not bad at all 見てくれはよくないが結構いける

    Unmatched in the world 天下無双の美味

    Reasonable それなりにうまい

    Devilish 鬼ウマ

    Indisputable 文句なしにうまい

    Sensational 感動的においしい

    Phenomenal 驚異的なうまさ

    This absolutely is it うま!これだよ、これ!
    Unparalleled 類のないうまさ

    Heavenly ascend 天国へ上るような美味さ

    Makes cutlery unstoppable 次々と箸が伸びる

    Scenery changed after the first bite 口に含んだ瞬間、風景が一変した

    Was blown away honestly 正直言って感動

    Has no business being this good 反則級のうまさ

    Impressionable piece 印象深い逸品

    On the brink of fainting 悶絶寸前の境地に至る

    Indescribably good, at a loss for words あまりのうまさに絶句

    Taste that has reached it’s perfection 完成されたいおいしさ

    Overwhelming masterpiece 圧倒的な名作だ

    Topnotch finish 最高の味に仕上がっている

    Common wisdom defying 常識を覆す美味

    Puts on a smile 笑顔こぼれるおいしさ

    Taste that needs no explanation 説明のいらないおいしさ

    Might become an addiction やばい!これはハマる予感がする

    Scenery changing 口に含んだ瞬間、風景が一変した

    Overwhelming masterpiece 圧倒的な名作

    Perfection 完成されたおいしさ

    What was all the ○○ up to this point 今までの○○は何だったんだ!

    There’s a momentum 味に勢いがある

    Shocking 唖然たる旨さ

    On an another level 格別の味がする

    Can’t wait for the next 早くふた口目が食べたい

    Makes you forget about any effort in diet. ダイエットなんてどうでもよくなる味

    Won’t be able to find any reason to disprove even if declared “The finest dish in the world”.


    Nothing less expected from a dish that won the Monde Selection gold award.


  6. >Getting bored of saying […]

    These set phrases are a big part of what makes Japanese culture/language Japanese, for better or worse lol

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