JLPT N5 Practice Questions – Can someone help understand why those are the answers?

JLPT N5 Practice Questions – Can someone help understand why those are the answers?

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  1. For number 4 and 6 you just have to remember the collocation, I’m afraid. 会う does always take に. So, “I meet my friend” is 友達に会います。Similarly, when you mean to say “in total,” or “adding all together” you use で. The sentence means *with* (で ) the five of them (五つ), it was 300 yen.

    Number 5 is just a subject marker, you need が because 父 is the subject (the one performing the verb, in this case 作りました). You may notice you have the topic marker は to refer to the shelf at the beginning, so that is your main focus. In regards to (は) my shelf (うちの本だな), my dad made it. No other of the particles given would fit, if you think about how they are used.

  2. – To meet X: Xに合う
    – Made by X: Xが作った

    父が作った does *not* mean “dad made it”. It means “made by dad”, it’s one big adjective. So you can say [あおい]ほんだな “blue shelf” and you can say [父が作った]ほんだな “made-by-dad shelf”.

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