Insuring a luxury watch in Japan

Recently purchased a luxury watch, price was around 2M JPY and I plan to wear it often (as opposed to keep in in a collection box) – any advice on companies so I can get it insured?

  1. To insure it against theft?
    If you plan to only use it in Japan, I’d save my money and use it with peace of mind. Nobody’s gonna steal a 2mln watch here, especially when you have drunk guys sleeping on the street wearing pateks (and somehow making it through the night with their watch still on).

  2. A 2M jpy watch in Japan is not a big deal, save the insurance money nobody is going to try and steal it.

  3. Don’t know why you would want insurance on a not-very-expensive watch, when you’re living in what is probably the safest big city in the world. Save your money.

  4. Where everyone here coming from where a $20,000 watch is not expensive 🤷 you all have wayy too much money. Give me some 😂

  5. Not sure if it falls under the same category, but I’ve insured my daughter’s violin using

    They might do watches too, although considering it’s much smaller and more prone to theft maybe it’s quite expensive.

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