Transport options for Naruto to Wakayama

From what we had read online, getting out of Naruto seems difficult. Our online search yielded the following options:

* Option 1: Bus/Train \[4.5hrs\]
* Option 2: Car/Ferry \[2.5hrs\]

Appreciate some advise on

1. What are the best options from the above:
1. If we are to take option 1, which bus can we take? We have been referring to the bus schedules on []( and the Tokushima-Kobe Line doesn’t seem to have arrival times for Otsuka Museum of Art. There is other we found has arrival timing: []( Should we take this instead?
2. For the option 2 Car/Ferry, we are exploring the option of renting a car, starting from Kobe where we will be going to Naruto from and continue to use the car to explore Wakayama.


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