Sushi cake, WOW!

Sushi cake, WOW!

  1. Salty and Sweet? I don’t really see how strawberries and a salmon go together. Maybe it it was pickled radishes or just some avocado?

  2. Sushi chefs in Japan: You must eat each piece from the hands of the chef immediately because it is the perfect temperature to enjoy and bring out the natural flavors of the fish with just a bit of soy sauce


    Whatever this is: Yo bro here is some strawberries and lettuce with your cream cheese filled sushi

  3. every time this gets posted i get a new grey hair. it’s turned into a streak at this point

  4. This reminds me the time I swiped left on tinder cause this chef dude had a charcuterie plate with strawberries pictured. Buh-bye.

  5. Is it just me or does anyone else despise sushi with cream cheese? When I moved to Philadelphia I saw it on every sushi menu. I tried it once and was NOT a fan at all.

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