Access to antivirals

I’m hoping to go to Japan next year but I am immunocompromised. In Australia I can access covid antivirals if I get covid. What happens if I get covid in Japan? Could I get antivirals? I would take out travel insurance so my main concern is if I can physically obtain them.

  1. The only antiviral for COVID-19 approved in Japan are Paxlovid, Lagevrio and Ensitrelvir.

    If you want to get any of these 3, you can go to a doctor and ask for prescription.

  2. Hi similar situation I was told go to nearest hospital they will give antivirals. Or, you could just say you’re positive and get a Script before you go I suppose to take with you, not like they are going to check they don’t want you to attend a physical appointment at the gp here if you’re positive….

  3. Wear your mask everywhere, at least always on public transport. We mask up regularly (n95) and haven’t gotten COVID yet. Also many locals wear masks there too even outdoors. We felt very comfortable there.

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