Business Degrees in Japan

I have been wanting to transfer schools for a bachelor’s degree. I am currently in aviation but it seems like I won’t be able to fly for various reasons. I want to transfer for a Spring semester if possible, I can wait a bit longer if I have to. I had a 3.58 GPA in high school (junior year was a b!tch) and am not fond of math. I am planning to use a business or Economics degree to help with a successful real estate career which I am extremely passionate about doing. I just want to know what schools or the best for me that teach in English. I have found a couple of universities in Tokyo that seem pleasing, and I have always wanted to live there at some point in my life due to Tokyo’s advanced Infrastructure like no other city in the world, and their epic car culture. I do want to do real estate there after college just not for my whole life, maybe 10 years or so. I am studying Japanese currently so I am not a total novice when I’m there and I’m aware of how long it will take to be fluent. I am open to any impute you can give.

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    **Business Degrees in Japan**

    I have been wanting to transfer schools for a bachelor’s degree. I am currently in aviation but it seems like I won’t be able to fly for various reasons. I am wanting to transfer for a Spring semester if possible, I can wait a bit longer if I have to. I had a 3.58 GPA in high school (junior year was a b!tch) and am not fond of math. I am planning to use a business or Economics degree to help with a successful real estate career which I am extremely passionate about doing. I just want to know what schools or the best for me that teach in English. I have found a couple universities in Tokyo that seem pleasing, and I have always wanted to live there at some point in my life due to Tokyo’s advanced Infrastructure like no other city in the world, and there epic car culture. I do want to do real estate there after college just not for my whole life, maybe 10 years or so. I am studying Japanese currently so I am not a total novice when I’m there and I’m aware of how long it will take to be fluent. I am open to any impute you can give.

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  2. >their epic car culture

    Been watching Tokyo Drift on repeat a bit too much haven’t we?

    To address your question, why not do your Business Degree back home?

    The quality of English-taught courses here is generally not very good so you would get way more mileage out of your money and time by just studying back home in a country where the spoken language actually is (presumably) English.

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