SMBC Olive and Card Delivery.

Hello guys,

I came to Japan 10 days ago and I was able to make SMBC Olive account with employment letter from HR.

Any tips or cautions that I should acknowledge when using SMBC service and Olive card?

Also SMBC said my Olive card will get delivered in 1-2 weeks but apparently I have to be there to sign it off? and If I miss it once, the delivery man will provide a slip where I can make a reservation for delivery date but if I miss it once more, my account will get deactivated? It would be great if I know the date of the delivery date but I’m guessing I’ll just have to stay at home the entire week starting from end of this week…..? haha


  1. I missed the delivery of my Sony debit card and had it rerouted to my workplace when I arranged a second delivery to ensure I didn’t miss it again. Maybe you will be able to if you miss it. Sadly banks do cancel accounts and cards if you are not there to sign for it a certain number of times. They’re very strict on the in-person signing.

    Also, welcome to Japan!

  2. I got mine today. I missed the delivery. My wife went online and scheduled the next delivery for this afternoon from 2-4 and they came around 2:30. I wouldn’t worry about missing the first one.

    But now I’m unable to register it. They give you a QR code that is supposed to launch the app and initiate the registration, but it just launches the app and nothing else happens.

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