G7 countries except for Japan sign a joint statement supporting Israel

G7 countries except for Japan sign a joint statement supporting Israel


  1. Good. Stay out of conflicts which don’t involve you.
    Canada could take a lesson from Japan.

  2. Japan needs that Saudi oil. Half the commercials on CNNj on any given day are PR spots for Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. The Gulf states have a lot of power over the Japanese economy, Israel does not.

  3. One Japanese official (Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno) already explained why Japan didn’t.

    He says “Citizens of the other 6 nations are taken as hostages or missing there”. But Japanese citizens are not. He says this is the reason.

  4. As bad as Japan is on human rights, I’m not sure if Japan is doing this to prevent repercussions in terms of oil or if they just don’t give a darn.

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