Ume onigiri take 2!

First time I posted here, I tried my hand at onigiri and umeboshi filling. I put a half plum into the onigiri then and couldn’t really finish it. It was too much for me.

So, I looked into it and found out it’s more of an acquired taste. Makes sense.

This is my 2nd try of umeboshi and it is growing on me. I put a 3rd into 3 rice balls each and it was much more palletable. Ate all of them!

The umeboshi give a really interesting tartness cut by their saltiness. It’s almost comparable to vinegar somewhat. I could easily see ume onigiri having a sour candy type taste as my pallete gets more used to them.

Any advice on how to get more used to this ingredient/use it in other ways?

1 comment
  1. I can’t stop eating umeboshi, i get the jarred umeboshi paste from the local store and eat it with rice and spicy algae sheets

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