For those on spousal visa, did any of you retrain to not teach English.

Has anyone on a spousal visa retrained for a new career?

  1. Most of the guys I know who married here ended up going part time tutoring then opening their own small school, usually working alone. It’s reasonably lucrative as long as you don’t live in Tokyo. All of them are on at least 10m per year working 6 hour days and get to take about 8-12 weeks vacation.

    Doing something else if you have the chance to retrain is a good idea. Just keep in mind that teaching only sucks when you’re doing it for someone else. If you’re not in Tokyo and your spouse doesn’t mind you taking a dip in income while you get established for 6-12 months it’s an option that removes a lot of the uncertainty. You could still try learning a new skill like coding while you do it, back ups for backups and all that.

    I second layabout guy though. Stay at home husband is the dream.

  2. Why would you assume a person on a spouse visa would teach English? I know plenty of people in other sorts of careers who came here with a Japanese spouse.

  3. I transitioned out of teaching English into something better fitting, but not because of (or in spite of?) being on a spouse visa

  4. I taught English for 6 months and dropped it fast, garbage job with terrible people mostly. It was really unfulfilling and the pay was garbage.

    I studied Japanese and found a job a step down to my career in my home country. It’s less than desirable but it pays 6mill a year so I can’t complain.

    I’m not disciplined enough to self study. I always fall off after few months, regardless 95% of all jobs require Japanese or 4 years programming.

    So if you plan to skill up, skill your Japanese up. Doors will open for just being a gaijin who speaks somewhat ペラペラ。

  5. Best visa ever, you can do anything you want. Thing is, you aren’t getting into white collar jobs unless you start your own company or have qualifications before coming to Japan. It’s OK, most working class jobs pay better than office work. Shit, taxi drivers make 5 to 9 million yen depending on where they are.

  6. my cousin is on spousal visa, since he is not an native English speaker, he can’t teach English. he got his 準中型免許(Semi-medium license???) and drives a truck for a delivery company. he makes a good amount of money.

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