Do I need to inform JP bank that I am expecting automatic withdrawals for rent?

As the title says. I moved quite a while ago and have had problems with the rental management company not being able to make withdrawals from my JP bank account. Previously we tried to use my husband’s account and there were numerous problems with his inkan so we gave up and tried to use my account. When I ask if the account the company is trying to withdraw from is changed from his to mine, they just tell me if I properly filled out the paperwork then it should be changed.

The account number, signature, and name are definitely correct. There is definitely enough money in the account. I’ve called the management company several times but they always just say “If there is a mistake in your paperwork we’ll send you a form to fix and resend,” but no form comes. I feel like I must be missing something obvious? My husband thinks they are purposely being difficult but I can’t understand why they would make it difficult for us to pay them.

  1. You don’t need to inform anything. They submit the form with your account info/inkan to the jp bank branch to setup automatic withdrawal. If the info was correct, it should have happened. No idea why it wouldn’t. The only time it silently fails is if there’s not enough funds but you say that’s not the case.

  2. You just have to wait until the next withdrawal. If everything was done correctly, it’s withdrawn from your account.

    You don’t need to hurry up to know because the management company does not kick you out just because your payment is delayed one time. And the management company does not know if it’s your account or still his account because this is your private information.

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