Is there such a thing as a cheap reinforced concrete house outside of Okinawa and Kyushu?

The construction companies that offer RC buildings in Kansai seem all focused on luxury homes. But in Kyushu and Okinawa I see some “cheap” (\~25M yen) new small houses made of RC.

Before I get the infinite mail spam and calls from the builders after paying them a visit, I would like to ask here: is a small simple concrete house in Kansai for around 25M yen (+ land costs) impossible?

I would be happy with and old concrete house, but in this area those are even rarer.

  1. We went to Hebel Haus and they quoted us 50/60M for a reinforced concrete house (3 floors).

    I’ll be checking up back here for the replies!

  2. Have you checked Taisei Kensetsu? They can do a small concrete house for as little as ¥25 million. Not taking into account the recent inflation of building supplies.

    But my question is why you would want a small concrete house in the first place. Newer wooden houses will withstand most earthquakes and are pretty well insulated these days. Are you into doomsday prep or something?

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