Is there any reference sheet to help understand the origins of the JP spell names in Dragon Quest?

I’m just beginning to work my way through Dragon Quest 5 in Japanese, and for the most part I’ve been having a good time. When I run into Kanji I don’t know or phrases I don’t understand I can usually just plug them into Jisho or a translator and figure it out. The only thing I’m curious about and don’t know how to learn is what the meanings are behind the different spell names in Japanese.

I know that they’re mostly made up words, but also that they’re based on Japanese onomatopoeia or words so that a native speaker could guess what the effects of a spell are based on the name. For example, the fireball spell is メラ after the general メラメラ onomatopoeia for fire.

Basically what I’m hoping for is some sort of existing reference sheet or wiki page or something that explains these word origins. Since they’re all made up words, I usually don’t get anything helpful out of Jisho and translation apps. I know I don’t necessarily need to understand the meanings of the spell names, but I’m pretty interested to know.

Edit: SOLVED – /u/Larissalikesthesea gave me [this link]( which is exactly what I was hoping for.

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