Does anyone have good english speaking/beginner japanese job suggestions for a 19 year old?

Does anyone have good english speaking/beginner japanese job suggestions?

Hello, I am 19 years old and have been living in Japan for 6months on a working holiday visa. I have worked in the teaching,childcare industry and also the restaurant business and have been unfortunately scammed all 3 times either trough unpaid wages,termination of contract without notice etc.. (i have already contacted the foreign residents support center, but there is nothing that can be done).

I have tried modeling agencies but have had no luck.I have experience in retail and a little teaching and childcare.My Hobbies are mainly fashion and kickboxing.I speak german and english fluently.

Does anybody have any suggestions on what i could do?

Has anything worked for you guys? Been in a really tough spot trying to even stay over water.

Thank you very much!!!!!!!

  1. Lots of jobs in niseko right now, companies desperate for workers before the thousands of tourists come in. If you’re in a tough spot there’s restaurant/childcare work up here paying 1500/hr for the winter some with accommodation included

  2. Where are you located? I work at an actual decent eikawa looking for part time workers in Tokyo. It not glamorous but the bosses are great and the work easy. If your interested, message me.

  3. Im currently working in Manza Onsen, and I think it’s a nice option if you like skiing and are close to Tokyo.

  4. Keep pushing on. When things go hard that means you’re about to find the treasure. Learn the language, eat good food and enjoy

  5. As in, you want another job for the (i assume) remaining 6 months of your working holiday visa?

    First I’m going to be that guy and say that a working holiday visa is designed for supporting an extended holiday through work, rather than for working the whole time. If you haven’t earned enough in the first 6 months to support your extended holiday, it might be time to go home and find a real job.

    If you’re adamant on staying in Japan, you need to consider if you want to be here long-term. If so, consider enrolling in a Japanese language school (or at a Japanese university if you already speak the language). They start in April, if you start applying now you might still make it on time. Bear in mind that it’s very difficult to get a job in Japan as a foreigner without a degree, regardless of what that is.

    If you just want to finish off your working holiday working for the next 6 months and then intend to go home, I highly recommend taking a look at the ski resorts. If you can ski, resorts are always desperate for instructors. If you can’t, you will definitely be able to find some part-time work at a mountain restaurant or in equipment rentals.

    I worked for an English-speaking ski school in Shiga Kogen for 6 months a few years ago and had an amazing time. Plenty of the other foreigners there were not ski instructors but instead worked behind the scenes, in the hotels or in restaurants etc. They’re always desperate for young, able-bodied people who will work the season for cheap and will probably even sort you with somewhere to stay.

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