Why doesn’t the condos in Japan have amenities like other places?

Bbq patios
Playground for kids

  1. Because that’s not what the common market wants. At some high-end complexes, you can find gyms or pools, but the rents/sale price is astronomical against the average wages.

  2. The market is not really looking for it. There’s an abundance of parks for kids to play at.
    You’re more likely to find places that have study rooms and party rooms, possibly guest rooms, and even a few that have small exercise rooms.

  3. As others have said- no demand, and space is a premium. If you’d be interested in an evidence-free theory, here it is:
    Westerners (mostly North American as that’s what I know the most) moving in to condos have likely grown up in standalone homes in suburbs or the countryside, or the city before the population and property market exploded. So they are used to having a big backyard, a pool, a rec room, etc. They know they can’t have that all to themselves in a condo, but see the value in having a similar shared space.
    Japanese moving in to condos, on the other hand, are more likely to be moving from drab danchi, other tiny urban homes without any amenities, and so don’t even think to look for it in a condo. They’ve spent their whole life BBQing in the park and swimming in the public pool, they’re not going to change things now. Plus private pools and going to the gym really aren’t a thing in Japan like they are in (North America), although gyms specifically have been growing rapidly in popularity the last decade or so. I wouldn’t be surprised to see more new condos with gyms included.

    Also-at my place we have a small playground set, a huge kitchen & dining room thing, rooms for guests to stay over, kids play rooms, and some all-purpose rooms that can be rented. Other condos in the area have theatre rooms, gymnasiums, and other facilities like that that can be rented for a nominal fee.

  4. People im sure would love to have those amenities but I’m pretty sure it would just be way to expensive for most.

    I have a friend in vietnam and another one in Malaysia.
    They have all the things you mentioned and from what I’ve heard when talking to them it’s a lot more common there. However, it’s also a lot cheaper. At least from my understanding.

  5. I don’t know what “other places” you’re talking about but condos with all those facilities you mentioned exist in Japan. Certainly not standard or even common since the maintenance fees often surpass what you would pay a private facility for their services but they exist nevertheless.

  6. The amenities that you mention are pretty high end here, but like others said some do exist. A friend of mine lives in a complex that has a gym and its own swanky bar-lounge, hang out/meeting rooms, and a giant deck area on the top floor that’s only available for residents and their guests.

  7. Because I don’t want to pay three times the rent for a bunch of stuff that I’ll never use.

    Most people are just trying to get by.

  8. If you want to spend about 200,000,000 yen and up, you can find condos with lots of amenities.

    Edit for grammar.

  9. I’m glad cuz back home if your condo had a pool , you were paying out the ASS for that thing.

  10. I’ve heard that gyms are often horrendously underused, so they don’t often feature in mid-range or less places.

    I might soon be moving to a new 600 room complex and the gym there is just 5 bikes, 5 treadmills, one sit-up bench, then about as much space given over to a mirror wall for dance practise and stretch area.

    There’s an Anytime just a couple of minutes down the road.

  11. Because Japan is so nice and clean that public amenities suffice nicely for the general population.

  12. Mine has most of those things. Not necessarily a good thing though. A hefty chunk of our monthly maintenance fee goes to the swimming pool (upkeep + lifeguard) & in 12 years we’ve used it only once or twice. I rarely see anyone up there using the pool.

  13. In France, you have hardly no condo with that kind of things. Very few may have a pool.

    I don’t know where you get your “like other places” as if it was a worldwide standard.

  14. They’re starting to. Buddy of mine just moved into a brand new apartment with gym, indoor golf, bar, rooftop etc. it’s not a super luxury one either, but definitely upscale

  15. A better question is why American condos have all that crap when all I really want is a place to live

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