Refugee applicants to Japan surge in 2023, may reach record high

Refugee applicants to Japan surge in 2023, may reach record high

  1. Applications are one thing approvals are still around 200 or so per year. A thankfully tiny number compared to Europe and North America.

  2. We are all cremated and buried in small urns in small cemeteries.
    These days, we are managed in small locker rooms and the amount of land we use is shrinking further.
    Recently, however, the number of foreign immigrants has been increasing, and they are causing trouble by demanding that they be given large plots of land for burial.
    This kind of lifestyle trouble may be common in other countries, but we have no experience with it until now, so we are very perplexed.

  3. 日本では難民受け入れに対しては厳しい審査がある



  4. God I hope Japan doesn’t do the same mistake as Europe.
    Stop it before it’s too late

  5. In before all the white immigrants complain about the less white immigrants ruining a culture that isn’t even their own.

  6. Unless you guys want to have higher crime rates like Europe don’t fail for the diversity is our strength

  7. If you have the opportunity to help some people applying for refugee status in Japan, please do so. Many of us are fortunate to live here and love this county. Japan needs immigrants to do the jobs a lot of us don’t want to do.

    I have been helping out some people from Sri Lanka and they have been amazing. Japan is a hard country but a very good country. These are people who want to work and show their value.

  8. Japan better stay strict and keep their own citizens happy first. Having refugees with no attempt at assimilating is a BAD idea. Even if most are just looking for a better job opportunity. Very few should be accepted and monitored no matter what. Do not do what America/Europe has done and now regrets it.

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