It finally happened.

On my way home from work. I decided to stop at Don Quijote to buy my Friday evening beers 🍺, etc.
While in the Alcohol section. I noticed a girl entering the isle looking at me. After grabbing by beers, I went to another isle and she followed. Then she kinda circled around me as if she wanted me to start a convo with her. I didn’t , so she eventually scurried off. Only, to return with a friend.

They walked right up to me and the interview ensued. “Hi where are you from?…What kind of work do you do? Do you live around here ? Have you had dinner already? Let’s have dinner together “
I already had dinner, but which sane man would turn down such a wonderful opportunity to practice his Japanese 😇 🐶.
I hurried home, showered and dressed up a bit, then met them at a ガスト。

It was that 🦆ing Mt. Fuji Buddhism thing !!!!
These people wouldn’t even take no for an answer!

  1. One time I was in public reading manga while waiting for a friend to show up and these two women approached me and the conversation was normal for like 5 mins. Then they started talking about some guy in Mount Fuji and how it was such a miracle. They asked me if I thought it was a miracle too and told me I should join their religion and they will find me a cute wife. My friend came just in time and I noped the F out of there.

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