Japanese research is no longer world class — here’s why

Some of the decline might be attributable to funding, Igami says. The 2023 report shows that research spending in the university sector has grown by roughly 80% in the United States and Germany, and 40% in France, has quadrupled in South Korea and has increased more than tenfold in China over the past two decades. By contrast, Japan’s spending has increased by 10%.

However, even if researchers receive more funding, producing high-impact research might still be challenging, because Japanese scientists have less time for actual research, Igami says. According to a 2020 analysis by MEXT, the proportion of time that university researchers dedicated to science decreased from 47% to 33% between 2002 and 2018.

1 comment
  1. I wonder if that is because there is more focus on students and intake of international students? Universities being run like a business is never a good idea and it would be a shame to see this decline in research continue

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