Heavily tattooed, moving in 2-3 years

In about 2-3 years, I’ll be moving to Japan with my partner. I never planned on this and I have a lot tattoos. Currently I have a full irezumi sleeve, the other about to be started and a large thigh piece . I also have highly visible tattoos(feet/hand/chest). In the US, I have never had a problem getting jobs or with discrimination.

I am worried about my job prospects in Japan and such and I’m wondering if anyone can give me some advice or realistic options.

My current plans:

I am working on getting to n1 level fluency; I’m an n3 level right now.

Going back to school to get a degree

Try to get a remote job option in the next year

Are there any options for highly tattooed people in Japan? How fucked am I?

1 comment
  1. I’m Japanese and from what I hear, Japan is starting to get a lot more loose when it comes to tattoo regulations. However, many Japan based companies are still pretty traditional and conservative, meaning that it might be harder for you to get hired if ur going for a Japanese company (not saying it’s impossible just know recruiters might be on the conservative side). The good news is that there are plenty of US branches in Japan hiring foreigners so I would definitely focus on those companies! Having N1 would be a huge bonus too so I think you will be fine. Goodluck 🙂

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