Ikura & Natto roll Would you like to try it?

Ikura & Natto roll Would you like to try it?

  1. I’m a little afraid of natto but I feel like this preparation would be the perfect introduction to it!

  2. I like ikura and I like natto but for me I’d put the ikura on top of a natto roll rather than have it rolled in together. I guess I’m weird like that lol

  3. I had natto in a roll once and was sort of surprised people think it’s so bad. Maybe the presentation I had it in mellowed it, but it was just kind of nutty and “funky cheesey”.

    I’m not a big fan of ikura, though. It can get very iodine-heavy very fast. Same with uni. When it’s good, it’s great, but when it’s even mediocre it’s hard to choke down.

  4. I hate natto because of the texture. Maybe the maki would fix that, and I’d give it a try to see if it does

  5. Natto is a food that I have tried many times to get into, but can’t. It’s not a flavour I grew up with and it’s quite off-putting to my tastebuds. That being said, it’s extremely healthy and clearly a celebrated food. I will continue to try and work my way toward loving it. So yes, I would try this.

  6. I had a Natto roll in tokyo almost 20 years ago, and while it was “nasty”, it isn’t something I’m dying to eat again.

    I’ve seen it in the frozen section at my local asian store (Lotte, in virginia), and have had very little desire to buy it.

  7. I like almost everything – seafood, offal, dank cheeses – but I could not enjoy natto

  8. Natto is one thing I just don’t care for. It’s a short list–natto, kiwi fruit, most okra, and brains. That’s my list. I’ve tried a lot of natto, I don’t care for it. But I’m sure you loved it and that’s what matters!

  9. Interesting combo to start with, and then to put it in a roll… lots of textures!

    I’d absolutely try that out of sheer curiosity. I can’t quite imagine it properly in my mind.

  10. Never thought to combine the two in a maki but I wouldn’t turn it down… I like both…

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