Kanjis in Tofugu articles

I’m reading a Tofugu article about japanese verbs conjugation on my phone, and a lot of the verbs are written using Kanjis. I know very few Kanjis so it’s hard to recognize which verbs they are talking about. Is there a tip I don’t know to see the hiragana for these kanjis or am I just doing it wrong if I’m reading about conjugation but don’t know these basic Kanjis yet?

ETA: I feel very dumb, but I just realized I can highlight the Japanese word to see Google translate tips. It shows the romaji and the translation. That’s in Chrome on an Android phone.

  1. just look them up and learn them, it’s part of the process. reading is a great way to run into new words that you need to learn. some apps and plugins and such provide mouse-over or click functionality to look up words in web articles. or learn how to use a japanese dictionary to look up words with kanji you don’t know. or both. both are useful.

  2. If you’re on a computer, add the Rikaikun chrome extension!! It’s honestly great, when you turn it on then you just have to hover over any kanji or word and it will give you the reading/meaning.

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