Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 26 October 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. The days of butter are waning. The time of margarine is nigh.

    Anybody got any tricks from keeping butter from turning rock hard as the weather turns cold? The daytime highs are remaining up there so daily it feels warm, but the nighttime lows are cold enough that butter is starting to not spread nicely on my morning breakfast toast. Loads of Japanese kitchens, like mine, are terribly insulated, but surely with as popular as butter is over here, someone would have thought of a solution.

  2. Any recommendations for ugg boots? (not that brand, but sheepskin boots) Happy to pay for a quality boot, real sheepskin and well made.

  3. Is there any plus/minus about adding a debit card to d-barai/paypay vs. linking to a bank account directly?

  4. Is it possible to pay rent to a bank account via Rakuten credit card? I can’t find where to do it

  5. Has anyone seen the blue Yebisu ale cans around lately? Can’t seem to find them anymore, a real shame as it was a solid ale.

  6. Any advice for building a moderately high end gaming PC here? What shops do you use? Aside from the exchange rate, how steep is the markup compared to buying and building in the US?

  7. What is Pizza Hut’s white sauce. It seems like it would be cheese based like an alfredo sauce or carbonara. But I don’t want to order it and end up with mayo on my pizza.

  8. I’m not gonna do it, but has anyone here ever disclosed their ADHD or other mental illnesses to their employer? I think nothing good will come out of it, but can you share your thoughts/experience?

    Thing is, I read that they can check your medical history. What consequences would arise if you weren’t 100% honest during your health check? Does it affect insurance?

  9. What’s the best way to buy a phone without a shutter sound lock? Where should I import it from (considering prices, shipping, etc.). I’m aware of potential warranty issues.

  10. What’s your go-to application to get news in English? Specifically news about Japan.

    I tried the BBC app with a focus on Asia but it wasn’t great.

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