Weekly Complaint Thread – 26 October 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. Boarding the plan is so goddamn confusing every time when they try to establish boarding priority. “A or F seat? Please board? Wait, no, please stand in queue. Wait, no, come and board the plane. Wait, why are you here, please stand in the queue with no way to know who has what seat!”

    And the best part is? You board the plane just to see the seats are filled no matter window or isle, A B or C. Window seat? Time to awkwardly slither in your seat hoping the isle and middle seats don’t mind huffing a whip of your ass.

  2. I was baffled when a client (japanese, working in US branch) asked our team how to make a screenshot in PC, how did he live before?? Is this the reason they asked for people from Jp branch of our office?? Would he dare asking that to US part of the people in english??

  3. The fact that people here won’t even try to have a logical discussion about something. They’ll just be stubborn and defend their own beliefs blindly (while often trolling) when the facts are just one google search away.

    But then again, this is reddit. What did I expect 😂

  4. Why are section chiefs so absolutely fucking useless?!

    1. Print center at my school. Want to print a poster. They have a super complicated convoluted sheet I need to fill out, with 1000 options and blanks and things to feel out. Here is the file, PDF, A0, Color. Done. LMFAO. No way. So the lady is sitting there helping me for an hour fill this out. The section chief offers ZERO help. Goes out of his way to give zero fucks.
    2. Walk into a small post office. 4 people working there. Try to ship a package to the USA. NO ONE has any idea how to ship a package overseas. It takes THREE people nearly an hour to finally get the correct information filled out because even they didn’t know how to work their own system. The section chief just sat in his fucking chair the entire time. Acted like he didn’t notice anything at all going on, people lined up out the fucking door. He still just fucking sat there.
    3. Trying to apply to a PhD program at an adjutant Uni. Go to Nyushika dept. 5 people working there. It not only take ALL (minus the section chief of course) but another person from a different dept had to come and help as well. Again, 90 minutes… they are flipping through binders, looking info up online. Trying to figure out what documents I need and don’t need. He never even got out of his chair or offered any fucking help. Never even spoke a fucking word.

    These bu-chous are useless fucks. Show me a buchou that deserves his position and I will refrain from complaining here for at least 6 months. If I was a woman, holy fuck I would go postal and shoot the dicks off all these useless men that don’t deserve their position in life at all. I thought I was a useless man, lol, not compared all the male buchous that don’t deserve the fucking chair they shit their lazy ass on.

  5. My goatee is turning white. I don’t know if I like it or I hate it. Weird feeling.

  6. People embracing the “self-induced sensory deprivation” aesthetic.

    Starter pack:
    -Baseball hat, the longer the visor the better, lowered to nose level
    -Mask, pulled up all the way to lower eyelids
    -Large hoodie and hood all the way on
    -In-ear earphones/sound cancelling headphones

    You’ll see these people glued to their phones cycling / walking in a beeline in the busiest areas you could think of. The epitome of selfishness. Might as well be legally blind and deaf

  7. Right when I’ve been feeling like my Japanese is finally at a decent conversational level, I spend a weekend with two people who make me feel like it’s my first month in Japan all over again. I couldn’t understand 90% of what they were saying. I thought they were just speaking too fast at first but come to find out from my husband later, they both use really incorrect Japanese, omit key words and drop all は、が、に、で、etc. He said even he couldn’t understand them at times. It’s a bit frustrating when I’m always considerate if someone has low English skills and speak in slow, easy English for them. But I can’t receive the same treatment from Japanese speakers. One of them tried talking to me while his mouth was full of food??? I found it so hard to join in the conversations. And if I asked my husband a question to confirm I knew what everyone was talking about, they would start talking again about another subject. Like “oh they’re speaking English now so it has nothing to do with us.” Therefore I could never keep up. Ugh.

  8. – something is wrong with my glasses, either that or I’m going blind

    – the cheapest head of cabbage I’ve seen in the past few weeks is 198 yen. What the hell is going on???

    – lost a water bottle

    – mentally tired

    – mountain of schoolwork

    – not so good squat day yesterday- think I’m hitting a ceiling and need a break(?)

    – tired

  9. I wake up every morning with a knot in my stomach, dreading what’s to come for the day for work. Every day promises made for deadlines are broken, every day systems required for work break, every day I get yelled at for impact to our overall schedule.

    In the back of my mind I am fearful about renewing my visa January, to cover the timeline if my PR does not get approved by February (or at all); because I can’t stomach my job.

    I am fearful of changing jobs if it will have negative impression on my PR process, if the new job will support my visa in time, if it will pay enough to not greatly reduce quality of life for my home.

    There are too many things coming at the same time. Too many things up in the air and too many things not moving as they should.

    And in all of that I still grieve for my father’s passing. It’s only been a month and a half. But my emotions are causing burdens to my girlfriend, clearly getting in the way of my life, I don’t know what I can do…

  10. Yahoo News is many people’s main news source and it’s disturbing just how unhinged some (most) of the comments are.

    Speaking of news, they’re doing the Japanese news thing of reporting on every single detail of this awful high school girl murder case. Putting her yearbook up and showing pictures of where the guy rented the car. Ratings over fostering copycat crime, I suppose.

  11. The Airbnb my parents, sister and nieces are staying at is majorly pissing me off. My family decided to rent a nice newly built 3-storey house. The photos and reviews looked great. We arrived and the place is just SO DIRTY. Like wtf?

    I literally do not mind general wear and all the scuffs on the floor/wallpaper because obviously lots of suitcases have gone in and out of there. But visibly dirty floors, food still stuck in the grooves on the table, dust on literally every surface and loads of black mould(!!) in the bathroom is just inexcusable and fucking gross. Not to mention there was someone’s old razor caked in hair left in the bathroom cabinet. WTF!!!

    It’s like they changed the bedsheets between guests and that’s it 🙁 my family don’t seem to really mind, they just cleaned everything up a bit (I blitzed the whole house with a lint roller lmaooo) but I’m so sad!!!!! 🙁

  12. I only got 240,000 again in my pay this month… it’s just too little I feel like I’m drowning

  13. Stakeholder out of India has a request to my team. Typically these type of requests take 3 weeks. He requested one week which I said wasn’t realistic. One week later he doesn’t like the results, scolds us then writes me and my team up to his and our bosses lol .



    I said NO
    and I said no literally do not put them into to plastic bags just put them all directly naked into the paper bag
    And he said no please
    And then went ahead and taped each piece of bread into a little plastic bag and then into the paper bag.

    I was actually so enraged I am never going to Higashi Nakano ever again

  15. I just want to eat a delicious Milka waffles (2€) but i will never spend 2000¥ on a single package on Mercari.

  16. It’s so expensive to eat out now. What I was able to eat a good lunch meal for 1000-yen is now close to 1200~1300-yen. Add tax to that it’s close to 1500-yen or more.

    Heck, the other day, I ate at Wendy’s and a burger set was nearly 1500-yen. Ouch.

  17. I have no idea how my company stays in business. Incompetence all around. Met the owner for the third time? Or so and the dude acts like he pays us from her personal wallet. No. The *company* pays us. You get what’s left over. It’s obvious the guy has never taken a business class. Pure luck maybe? Idk. Gotta find a new job

  18. 1) Another day, another “new” strawberry Frappuccino Starbucks will be rolling out. Blech.

    2) The switch between freezing in the morning and scorching heat by the afternoon is infuriating. Make up your mind for the day, Mother Nature.

  19. That foreigner POS (won’t mention his race) riding bicycle, handling hand bag and speaking on the phone near shin Okachimachi. f¥?! You; hope the police catch you doing that

  20. My supervisor, who is genuinely the loveliest man on the planet, showing up to our meetings WITH OUR EMAIL CONVERSATIONS PRINTED OUT!! Sir we both have laptops and smartphones in front of us please I am begging you to stop using an entire forest’s worth of paper printing out emails every time we have a meeting. He’s so nice and I feel so bad being annoyed but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP PRINTING THINGS!!!

  21. I swear to god, why do taxi drivers so consistently love to stop RIGHT after a turn to let out customers? It’s like they live solely to inconvenience people and cause near-accidents

  22. My mail is constantly misdelivered to our neighbour. Despite the fact our neighbour AND us clearly have a name plate out front with our family names and they’re completely different names. TWO times this week I got mail from our neighbour which was addressed to us but he got instead. I paid like ¥3,000 for this stupid custom name plate and the stupid post office delivery guy can’t even fucking read apparently. I’m scared about him getting important or time sensitive mail since he’s very old and it always takes him a few days to bring over our misdelivered mail. On Amazon deliveries I literally had to add a delivery note for every package about which house is mine and it stopped getting misdelivered but other stuff like bills and mail sent by my parents or random stuff like that keeps getting misdelivered still.

    I don’t understand why the fucking post office guy sees mail with 山本 written on it, and goes up to the house with 田中 written on it and says “yup must be the right fucking house” and slips it int his mailbox. (Not our real names obviously for privacy sake)

    Today when the neighbour brought over the mail he tried to tell me HIS address was 27, and OURS was 28 (again not the real numbers for privacy sake) but I checked all our paperwork about moving in and it all has OUR address as 27, which is what we have on all our deliveries. Maybe we have the same fucking address I don’t know, but when you search it on google maps it even puts the arrow right over OUR house. I guess we have to just complain to japan post and hope they start checking more carefully. If it were like once or even twice I might understand (especially before we got our name plate) but since we moved in like a little over a month ago he’s gotten like 7-8 of our deliveries.

  23. It’s a whooping 25,000 yen to dye my hair now. Since when is coloring hair so expensive here? Jokes on me because I know since when but last time I went to that salon this spring I paid 20,000 to have my roots retouched, that includes shampoo and blowdry, and that fee already pushed it. Checked the salons website the other day and they raised the root retouch from 16,000 to 18,000. The guy I booked with last time now has a nomination fee of 1,100. The Olaplex treatment was 2,200 and is now 3,300. Shampoo and blow dry went from 3,900 to 5,200. Are you kidding me?! When I first came to Japan I paid 14,000 for a root retouch with shampoo and blowdry. This time I’m gonna pass on the Olaplex treatment and book a stylist without a nomination fee to save some. Pissed off because I only touch up twice a year, it shouldn’t be such an investment. Thank God I’m cutting my own hair at least.

  24. Slow-ass walkers hogging the entire sidewalk = missed train by 10 seconds. Next train puts my arrival home 30-fucking-minutes later.

    There are times I love public transit, but this is not one of them.

    Oh and fuck green cars. Wasting two-cars’ worth of occupancy for four old farts to pretend they’re riding a shinkansen.

  25. My allergies act up now so I’ve been on the lookout for the people that hand out tissues in front of the station but they aren’t there!

  26. Kids (mostly joking)

    – My little one, there’s just an undesirable feeling of love when you pick them up and hold them close. Until she digs he super-sharp finger nails into your shirt in an apparent effort to rip a nipple off with max force.

    – My big one, we’re at home and I farted. I said “excuse me” because it’s a normal bodily function and that’s how we be polite. A few minutes pass and he says “Oh, she pooped” when walking past his sister. I say “No, that’s me from before.” Dead serious he says “Why does it still smell? Is it because you’re an adult?”

  27. The new Makku burgers are arse.

    I know I only have myself to blame, but they had that one good one recently with the hash brown and jalapeño mayo, so like a battered spouse, I keep going back hoping they’ve changed.

  28. Another beautiful house down the street from me and its gorgeous persimmon tree are getting ripped down, and I’ll be a shiny new 500 yen coin (the kind you can’t use anywhere) that it’s going to get replaced with 5 postage-stamp sized lots that have drab square houses that would make a Soviet architect say “you know, maybe this is a little too bland and utilitarian.” Two thousand years of beautiful architecture in this country and this is what we get? We’re not even in a big city, there’s space to build!

  29. Today a coworker came at me holding a cutter and screaming omae konoyaro like a crazy chinpira from a Kitano movie… And of course no punitive action was taken by the company.
    Every new day is “interesting” in Dasaitama but I think today takes the top spot.

  30. Can we please have craft beer that isn’t an IPA or Pale Ale. Wheat beers, stouts, please.

  31. Why do I still have to rinse out my pet bottles, screw of the cap and rip off the label like I’m living in the dark ages?

    Also, delivery vans on narrow streets. Oh, we mustn’t bother our precious customer by parking in one of their spots, but let’s meiwaku the fuck out of everybody else by blocking the entire lane.

    Lastly, I could really do without being asked about point card and payment method at the supermarket. Yesterday I couldn’t hear the cashier through her mask from behind the plastic sheet, so I took a chance and replied ‘credit’. She smiled and nodded then asked me if I would be paying cash.
    If I wanted to use a point card I would swipe it and I have to choose payment method on the screen anyway so why even bother to ask.

  32. Delivery from mainland to Okinawa sucks – bought a refurbished MacBook on BackMarket, was supposed to be shipped from mainland at 24/10 and get here at 26/10. Suddenly they sent me an e-mail saying that the address I put on my account was incomplete and asked for more details (it was already as detailed as it could be). Wrote the same address in more lines/categories, MacBook shipped from Tokyo on 25/10 and is supposedly being delivered on the 29TH. That simply doesn’t make any sense to me and they used the excuse that the (same) address I put on my account is the reason for the delay. Now I have to wait until Sunday while trying not to die of boredom in my dorm because I don’t have any form of entertainment other than my phone

  33. And of course when I’m trying to get involved in online gaming the only Japanese Discord server for my game of choice is shutting down because some petty-ass shithead doxxed the guy who runs it and is harassing him. Why is getting doxxed for having a totally normal, legal hobby such a big fucking deal anyway? Block the fucker and keep trucking instead of closing shop. Why Japanese people?!

  34. I help people book mountain huts in japan and had a hut call me because the people I reserved for didn’t show up. Was able to reach them and they were still hours away from the hut. Hut owner was shocked, me too. Honestly makes me question the intelligence of people. Hut refused to let them stay because it’s too dangerous to go up in the dark.
    That’s how you get lost and die of hypothermia.

    I can’t even expect people to check sunset time and walking estimates? Am I a babysitter?

  35. How am I supposed to dress when it’s cold in the morning, but a dam furnace in the train and then literally the surface of the sun hot in my office lobby.

    Just let it be cool Japan. I can sort out my own warmth if needed just set a REASONABLE temperature.

    I’m a new resident is it obvious?

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