Did I just got scammed by a Facebook Shop?

I ordered a MacBook PRO 2018 through a Facebook shop. The price of the item was 40,000¥ and I paid for it via Apple Card and sent it to the seller for order confirmation. Later, the seller ask for another payment for Tax and Insurance which was 20,000¥ each which will be refunded to me in 2 days as the seller said and i paid for it via Apple Card. Then at the day of the delivery, the seller said that the items are delayed because it was held up by the police and i need to pay additional 10,000¥ for Mobile Inspection Coverage to enable enhance service provider coverage, and also Process Checkpoint Verification. I did not pay for it and i just cancelled my order, the seller said i will get my full refund in 30 working days. Now the question is, did i just got scammed? Can i make my money back?

  1. Any time you’re being asked to pay for something via an Apple Card you are most likely being scammed.

  2. Obviously. Most stuff sold on Facebook is a scam. Expensive things on Facebook are definitely scams. Paying by Apple Card is a scam so obvious that even my 70 year old mother wouldn’t fall for it.

  3. Ouch. That’s 60,000 yen.

    You can try to escalate through Facebook, but I don’t like your chances.

  4. lol

    you didn’t think anything when they wanted apple cards?

    had the same thing happen to me a few weeks ago trying to buy a assist bicycle. guy said “ok now go to family mart and buy some google point cards.” and then i called him a dumbass and he blocked me.

  5. Wow, I’m glad I got scammed online before in like middle school and learned my lesson. Losing $20 bucks in Steam gift cards is a lot better than 60,000 yen

  6. sorry, you got scammed.

    Should have asked here before paying.

    Still 60,000 yen is a cheaper lesson than a lot of crypto bros paid.

  7. One post karma from a post made 4 hours ago. Another post exactly the same in r/Phillippines, which was removed.

    Yeah, you’re a joke account. Yay.

  8. Why did op feel the need to post this on 2 completely different subreddits? (saw this on r/philippines lol)

  9. I always wonder how it’s possible people still fall for these scams … I see them on Marketplace and think, “surely no one is that naive these days…”

  10. I’m sorry but it seems you have been. For future reference don’t pay in gift cards EVER, unless it’s to actually use the gift card yourself for the actual shop it is for, and only pay through traceable, normal, regulated methods like credit card, smart phone bill pay, line pay, conbini pay, etc.

    I’d probably just say to literally never use “Facebook shops“ And stick to the more regulated, moderated sites which will actually have terms and conditions on how to pay and how to get a refund

  11. Yes this is a scam, the money is gone. Be careful for recovery scammers, who offer you services to get your money back. There is a subreddit called r/scams where you can read more details. Sry for your loss. And be mindful, these people will contact you sooner or later again to get you to pay more. No money in the world will get you the 60000 Yen back.

  12. Just wondering but what do these people do with those apple cards? Do they load it on their own accounts to pay for something or resell the code to another person? Never bought an apple card myself and I only know they can be used on apps on the app store.

    Also MacBook Pro for 40k is wild. lol

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