Tokyo weather just got wild

That’s it. That’s the post. It’s thunderstorming really hard and I was not expecting it. Good night now.
Also I hope y’all brought your laundry in

  1. It was like 70+ the last few days and while having dinner I checked the weather and saw it was going to be 59 degrees tonight. I was like HUH!? ITS GONNA THUNDER! went home before it happened and I felt so cool (… to myself) for predicting it and acting on it. But wow ya just out of no where!!

  2. I’m on the edge of Tokyo. I was walking to the shops earlier and saw the sky flashing in the direction of central Tokyo. I was thinking like is that lightning? Is that fireworks? I got a better view and I could see huge clouds with awesome lightning spreading through. It looked awesome. I couldn’t hear anything though which was kind of weird.

  3. We only had some storm here in Osaka… with no rain at all, I was expecting some nice rain 🙁

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