Wanted: Strong man willing to use muscles as a caregiver | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

Wanted: Strong man willing to use muscles as a caregiver | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis


  1. >His body fat is 3 percent and he can bench-press 110 kilograms.

    In my experience Japanese people are simply incapable of giving a proper body fat measurement. If you shred to 3% you can survive for like 2-3 days before just dying.

  2. Why are they writing ‘macho’ as ‘maccho’? Is the pronunciation different?

  3. i thought they were testing the wearable augmented arm/body device for this? did not work well in actual situations?

  4. Christ. That’s four “to be fair” in this short-assed thread. I’ll be glad when the Anglosphere moves along to the next gratuitous throwaway phrase.

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