Need Help Deciding vocational school or university?

So, here’s the deal: I’m currently studying at a Japanese language school, and I’ve got this big life decision ahead. Next April, I’m planning to dive into the world of IT engineering, but I’m stuck at a crossroads. I can either go to a university or opt for a vocational school, and I could really use your advice and insights.

Originally, I was dead set on hitting up a university. But then, I started hearing that Japanese universities are more about enjoying the college life, and the real learning happens once you’re already in a company. That’s got me rethinking everything.

So, I’m turning to you, my Reddit pals, to get the lowdown. Have any of you gone the university or vocational school route for IT engineering, or do you know someone who has? What was your experience like? Would you recommend one over the other?

1 comment
  1. You might be able to find a vocational school that offers IT related courses, but if I had to venture a guess, it would be pretty difficult to find one that’s offered in English. I can’t attest to how rigorous college courses are in Japan, but it is safe to say, if you want to stay in Japan for the foreseeable future, a degree would be a wise investment. I believe some schools like Kansai Gaidai may act as a proxy for some English CS degree programs hosted by universities in the US. If I were you, I’d start looking for college programs that fit your criteria and follow up on that.

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