Celebrating being able to eat sushi after pregnancy. Home Omakase

Celebrating being able to eat sushi after pregnancy. Home Omakase

  1. Top row is scallops kewpie seared with yuzu koshou and ponzu drizzled on top

    Nigiri L to R on the long plate is:

    * Salmon with gronion and scallion
    * Seared salmon
    * Salmon with ikura
    * Hirame
    * More kewpie seared scallop
    * Scallop with jalapeno and ponzu
    * Akami
    * Otoro seared with homemade nikiri shoyu
    * Tamago

  2. Those Hotate looking delicious one of my favorite awesome spread congratulations on your new born and eat nigiri again Aloha🤙🤙🤙🤙

  3. Home Omakase makes sense. Its whatever is freshest in your kitchen and its cultivated to your own tastes.

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