Which action is considered as disrespectull in Japan, which is normal in many other countries ?

Which action is considered as disrespectull in Japan, which is normal in many other countries ?


  1. It’s hard to answer this question. In my country sticking your fingers up someone’s a$$ is considered sexual assault, in Japan it’s “the culture”

  2. how you address your superiors would be an easy one.

    i think its pretty normal on average jobs to call your boss by just their first name. dont think that would go over very well in japan.

  3. Taking loud phone calls on the train. In Australia I hear the most personal details by people having loud phone calls which most of the people on the carriage are doing as well but in Japan I noticed the calls are quick and quiet.

  4. Being loud.

    Throwing things at people instead of handing them over politely.

    Aggressive physical contact.

    These things can be relative, and situation is an important factor too. Are you in the street? In the train? At a party or somewhere with a lot of foreigners?

  5. They don’t like you tipping, my ex was followed out of the restaurant and had it returned. For all I know this may have now changed as it was a while back

  6. In a group setting when you order drinks you should wait till everyone has their drink before drinking yours.

  7. Isn’t stabbing chopsticks into your food/ leaving them sticking up in a dish a faux pas?

  8. Tipping is considered rude in Japan and should not be done.

    Japanese people get angry if you give them small change because they think they are being treated like beggars.

  9. Not lining up before entering the train. Also not using both hands when being handed something.

  10. Talking on the phone in subway!
    Should be adopted in US, which is impossible, freedomzzz

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