Period ticket for work and outside work in Nagoya

Hey, I was wondering how exactly period tickets work for usage outside of work transit. My wife uses her bus period ticket for any bus on the city(Nagoya), but that makes me wonder if the same can be said for trains. I asked my wife about it, but couldn’t figure out if a period ticket that includes two train lines for example would result in being allowed to transit between just those stations referred to on the period ticket or if it also opens up any station on these lines and to what extent I am free to go from the starting station for my work transit and further beyond or in another direction from the destination and not. The price doesn’t seem to change even if I take the route to work that includes the most amount of different train lines, so it makes me a bit curious. If take a line that goes from home station A through city central B to work station C, but I take a train that goes from home station A through differing lines(or a loop line, but the other direction) but not necessarily city central B, to work station C, what happens?

I guess I’m just trying to understand how this exactly works and what is allowed and not for the ticket.

Also I’m wondering in the case that this is something that isn’t allowed and there are many people that are widely taking advantage of this even if they shouldn’t, are there enforcement on this or what does this look like?

I may have funbled some of my words, but thanks for any response!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Period ticket for work and outside work in Nagoya**

    Hey, I was wondering how exactly period tickets work for usage outside of work transit. My wife uses her bus period ticket for any bus on the city(Nagoya), but that makes me wonder if the same can be said for trains. I asked my wife about it, but couldn’t figure out if a period ticket that includes two train lines for example would result in being allowed to transit between just those stations referred to on the period ticket or if it also opens up any station on these lines and to what extent I am free to go from the starting station for my work transit and further beyond or in another direction from the destination and not. The price doesn’t seem to change even if I take the route to work that includes the most amount of different train lines, so it makes me a bit curious. If take a line that goes from home station A through city central B to work station C, but I take a train that goes from home station A through differing lines(or a loop line, but the other direction) but not necessarily city central B, to work station C, what happens?

    I guess I’m just trying to understand how this exactly works and what is allowed and not for the ticket.

    Also I’m wondering in the case that this is something that isn’t allowed and there are many people that are widely taking advantage of this even if they shouldn’t, are there enforcement on this or what does this look like?

    I may have funbled some of my words, but thanks for any response!

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  2. It’s a monthly pass, or a teikiken (定期券) in Japanese. A “period ticket” sounds like something your wife might need for one week each month…

    Anyway, if you have a monthly pass you can get on or off the train at any station between the start and end stations shown on the pass. So if your pass is valid from Station C to Station J, you can enter or exit Stations D, E, F, G, H, I as well.

    If you go past the start or end station you will be charged additionally. The cost is calculated based on if you purchased a ticket from the station you passed. So if you travel to Station N, you would pay the amount to travel from Station J to Station N, as though you purchased the ticket at Station J and boarded the train there.

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