What are my options?

Just wanted to know what I can and can not do once my contract of 3 months comes to an end with my current company where I am currently employed as a contract worker, Basically, it was supposed to get renewed like 2 times for 3 months but since it has been 24 days already, and I have still yet to be assigned a project or task, The chances they won’t renew my contract is high I think? , I am looking for another job as well as studying Japanese to pass N2 examination next year(currently low N3 in written examination), however, to do that I must be here in Japan. Now I have heard people staying in Japan for a long period within the validity of their visa while looking for another job when they got laid off or so and in my case, I want to stay here and possibly get my N2 certificate next year if possible. So is it possible, given the validity of the current resident card is about 11 months left? also, the status of my resident card, as it says on it, is engineer/specialities in humanities/ intl. services, so can I do a part-time job to support myself while applying for jobs/learning Japanese?



TLDR: Want to know when I get laid off (Almost a huge possibility), Can I do a part-time job while looking for another job? B: How long can I stay? I know that as long as I keep applying for jobs and have a valid カード在カード it’s not 3 months limitation but still how long?

  1. From my recent phone call with the immigration:

    -register your unemployment with immigration. You can do that online (e-Notification) within 14 days.

    -after this you have 3 months to find another job (assuming you HAVE a valid visa for this period)

    -if 3 months are cutting close, go to immigration in person to talk about your situation. Prepare docs/emails that you are in fact actively looking for a job. It will be up to the immigration whether you will be able to stay or not.

    -before you start panicking, the consensus on reddit at least is that usually immigration allows you to stay for the entire remaining period of your visa as long as you can prove you are actively looking for a job.

    -Your can do part time work AS LONG as it falls under the same category on your visa. Otherwise you have to apply for a special permission. But part time job will most like won’t help you extend your visa.

  2. You have 3 months. But going to Hello Work and being nice to immigration might change things.

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