NOVA dress code

I’ve just moved to Tokyo and I managed to get an interview link for NOVA (still hesitant, after reading other people’s experiences on here).

I noticed on the dress code document sent to me that visible piercings are not allowed – I have a few healing piercings I can’t really take out right now (industrial/scaffold on ear and earring). Will this be a dealbreaker for them? And should I take the interview anyway?

  1. They care far more about your appearance than your skills, I imagine they won’t let you in the shop with piercings. They’re very much dress up in a full suit to fool clients into thinking they’re getting trained professionals from a reputable company.

    Nova is the absolute worst of the worst, so this is probably a blessing.

  2. Just take the interview and explain your situation. Also continue to apply for other jobs while you at it. These companies don’t care about you just use them for what they are ( wait room for other opportunities). I know Alot of people who instantly began applying for other jobs while Nova was processing their CoE, and some even resigned on their first day because they already got other job offers

  3. I guess you’re a guy? No piercings for guys but normal ear piercings for women are fine.

  4. > I noticed on the dress code document sent to me that visible piercings are not allowed

    For men, piercings are strictly forbidden (unless they can be hidden under normal clothing). You will have to remove them, or be able to remove them.

    For women, a scaffold is probably borderline, and you might get away with it. Other regular ear piercings will be fine unless they are excessive.

    If you have gauges, that will be problematic too, especially if your gauge is big enough that your lobe droops with an obvious hole when removed.

  5. Japan is strange sometimes. I think that it has to do with most men do not have piercings here. Same with tattoos. As a westerner it seems like that it should not be a big deal, especially for the pay that is offered, but Japan is still pretty conservative. These things do put off some people and money is the bottom line. Like what others said, the appearance of being a professional English teacher is important.

  6. They are Nazis about their dress code. My tattoo was showing by like a few mm’s and they made a HUGE deal about it. Like to the point I was just like,dude, who fucked your wife? Whoever it was, it wasn’t me man 😂

    Hope they go bankrupt again.

  7. I’ve worked with a few people who had piercings and one guy had tattoos on his hands. They covered them over with band aids.

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