osaka-fu means outside of osaka city?

hi fellow jets,

i am elated to be placed in Osaka-fu and am very excited.

could any jets shed some light into what kind of environment I will be working in? Im assuming i wont be working in osaka city because i think i remember reading here that if you get a general region like -fu, the placement excludes that city.

am i working for a public school? what age group?

any general info would be great

also i cant wait to meet every one in osaka!

  1. Osaka-fu is just Osaka Prefecture, but I’m not sure about placement inside vs outside the city or anything like that.

    We have a Discord group for Osaka JETs though if you want to join and haven’t yet! DM me and I can send you a link!

  2. You’re a prefectual JET meaning you could be anywhere in the prefecture (including Osaka City unless they don’t have available slots in the city). Generally speaking prefectural JETs will be in public high schools (age 15-18).which could be in the middle of nowhere or in the city. So you will only know once they assign you a school/schools.

  3. Welcome to Osaka!

    Osaka prefecture is pretty large so it’s hard to say unless you know your city/region. I was in a high school whereas some of my peers were at several different elementary schools.

  4. Since you’ve received the name of the prefecture, but not a city that means that you are a prefectural ALT .

    Prefectural ALTs work at prefectural (県立 *ken-ritsu*, or 府立 *fu-ritsu* in the case of osaka) schools. These are almost always senior high schools.
    Senior High Schools are all over, including within Osaka-city so you could be anywhere. You might be slap bang in the middle of Namba, or you might be out in the sticks in Toyonaka. But most likely in one of the many suburban towns around Osaka.

  5. Hi I am the Osaka City CIR. The only JET in Osaka City. Osaka-fu and Osaka-shi are 2 separate entities but sometimes we work alongside each other. Osaka City used to have ALTs way back but now all the ALTs work directly with Osaka City and are called CNETs (City Native English Teachers?) They are direct hires and not with JET. Either way some of the placements for JETS in like Minoh, Izumi, Sakai, Toyonaka etc are all about 30-45 minutes train ride from Osaka Station/Umeda so you can still get to the city areas easily. Hope this helps 🙂

    P.S I am looking for a new job and potentially leaving in August this year, so some lucky alternate may get my placement as a nice early Christmas present :p

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