Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (October 29, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Anyone know if there’s a channel where I can watch real interactions at a konbini or restaurant? I want to practice my listening and responding in natural situations

  2. Should I edit my Anki deck for the RTK kanji to include the stories that I made up for each Kanji ?

  3. [I’m trying to figure out the meaning of the bottom bubbles here. Specifically, the 音源もちゃんと聴いたのよ?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9gkxXQasAAOkaf?format=jpg&name=4096×4096)

    >”Why did we let that one kid through” (Asking why they even accepted her to play. 通す in this case would mean allowing an applicant through I think?)

    >”She seemed like such a nice kid…”

    >”Maybe we should have listened to her playing?” or “We even listened to her playing, didn’t we?” (unsure)


    I’m a bit confused with “音源” and “のよ?” Looking on Google/Twitter for examples using 音源, it seems like a term used to describe music recordings. For example, “Listening to the live recording on these headphones makes it sound like I’m really there.” I assume it means live recording? “のよ?” is confusing me, but probably because I don’t understand what the intention of the sentence is.

    ~~Context makes me think that she is implying that “she looked like such a nice girl, so we didn’t even ask her to show us her skills,” or something like that.~~

    Context now makes me think that she’s saying, “She looked like such a nice girl, and we even listened to her recording…” The implication of the last part is “So why is she struggling so much?” They vetted her and she seemed nice, so the のよ? is basically saying, “We took all the right precautions, didn’t we?” (Not fully sure, but please let me know.)

    I think part of the reason this is throwing me off is the fact that “優しそうな子だったから。。。” is not a part of the same sentence as “音源もちゃんと聴いたのよ?” “優しそうな子だったから。。。” is the explanation for why they let her pass or, “優しそうな子だったから通した。” The second sentence is standalone as further proof of why they let her play.

    I think I’ve maybe solved this on my own, but if anyone knows for sure, please let me know.

  4. This is from an interview with a movie director, and my question is about the last sentence.

    私にとって、家族とは不条理です。孤独な肉体を抱えた個々の人間が、たまたま出会い、夫婦となり親となり子となって、当たり前のような顔をして共同生活を営んでいる。しかし、一歩引いて見てみるとそれはとても不思議なことです。なぜ私たちは共に生きるのでしょうか。多種多様な民族がそれぞれの国家を作り、それぞれの神様を信仰し、企業間でしのぎを削り、地元のサッカーチームの勝ち負けで喧嘩をする。理解のできない他者と向き合い続けなくてはならない社会性をもったホモ・サピエンスの習性の、最小単位のサンプルが家族だと考えています。 **孤独な人間たちが、それでも生きていかなくてはいけない不思議を、家族という不条理なつながりを通じて描きたいと思いました。**

    The 通じて, does it follow just 家族という不条理なつながりを? Like so:

    孤独な人間たちが、それでも生きていかなくてはいけない不思議を、[家族という不条理なつながりを通じて] 描きたいと思いました。

  5. Can someone recommend apps or websites that have drills/lessons for Kanji aimed at an intermediate learner? I took 3 years in college and did a fair amount of reading/watching but I’m returning to japanese learning after a long break. I still remember the simpler kanji no problem but a lot of websites like WaniKani start from the basics and are no help to me. I don’t mind a purchase but most apps only give you the lower levels to sample too, which don’t help. Thanks in advance!

  6. Does かけしかける mean “provoke” or something along those lines in this sentence?

    > 「…」となつきがいくらかけしかけるようなことを言いました

  7. I’ve been using the extension Subadub to watch anime on netflix with subtitles I can select and look up words with yomichan. But as of today that no longer works; netflix won’t load content, it gives me error code D7001.

    What is another extension/method I can use?

  8. I feel quite proud on myself for recognizing and able to read Hiragana/Katakana. I know how to read them but it is still not second nature. Short words and simple sentences I can read but long ones it feels like I have to focus. When I am studying Japanese I write my answers/sentences down in Hiragana/Katakana, but I probably only know like 30% – 40% from memory to write the Hiragana/Katana down without peeking.

    Sure, everything what I explained is simply a knowledge gap and I need to learn more.
    But how did you guys went through this phase?
    I learn from Genki by the way.

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