How Long Did It Take You To Register a Legal Alias?

Can’t find this in any recent posts so…


Have you registered a legal alias in Japan before? If so, how long did the entire process take? Minutes? Hours?? Weeks??? TIA

  1. Took me one visit to City Hall and like one hour. I went to City Hall with a copy of marriage confirmation form and filled out a paper that looked so old it had been copied a million times. Then the worker had to consult like ten people and fifteen giant book stacks and then I got a new copy of my Jyuminhyo with my legal alias on it.
    I think I also brought a postmarked and delivered letter (from myself) addressed to the legal alias to show I was using the name.

  2. Be sure to double check the requirements as they vary per city. Where I live, they don’t accept handwritten letters or anything as proof of you using the alias.

    I had to chance one of my utility bills to the name I wanted to use, and wait for that next billing cycle’s payment notification slip to come in the mail (so depending on timing, you might be waiting like a month).

    Then I went to city hall with my Japanese marriage license/the bill/whatever else they asked me for, and I was able to register the legal alias.

    Once I had it in my jyuminhyo, I went to the police station to update it on my driver’s license. I don’t remember if I got these both done on the same day but maybe, if not two days in the same week.

    Once I had it changed on my driver’s license though, it was super easy to change my name on literally anything and everything else that accepts the alias name

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