I’ve spent the last hour trying to navigate the MOJ website; it’s text heavy, info is spread all over the place, and I can’t tell the difference between any of the forms. In the past, I’ve always gone directly to immigration to pick up the forms in person – never paid attention to which was which, just filled out what they gave me. I have an interview this afternoon, and they’ve just asked me to bring the forms today, so I won’t be able to wait until Monday. I have all the required personal documents (proof of uni education, etc.) ready to go.
It’s a humanities visa, renewal with a new job. What are the specific application forms called?
Is it [在留期間更新許可申請書](https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/930004094.pdf) (Application for Extension of Period of Stay) or [在留資格取得許可申請書](https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/930004120.pdf) (Application for Permission to Acquire Status of Residence)? And are there any other forms I need to download and fill out?
Sorry for what’s probably an obvious question. I just really need human confirmation here.
1 comment
You need the form for extending your stay. You don’t need proof of uni education for renewal, that’s only to acquire a status of residence, which you already have.
Two pages of this form need to be filled out by your company. You also need some specific forms from them–I needed a copy of my contract, last year’s tax withholding, and a certain other one I’d have to look up the name of. If you don’t already have these you might be out of luck for your interview today.