College visa question

Question is I know language schools are capped at 2 yrs, but like can ya after that is done renew or get a new visa to go to college in general in japan? Just wondering what I should look into for this idea cause I mean international students are a thing so I assume non language school normal college visas are longer but wondering how it work in this case. My citizenship is us, Maby Mexico too if I can finish this Mexican citizenship stuff from my parents

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    **College visa question**

    Question is I know language schools are capped at 2 yrs, but like can ya after that is done renew or get a new visa to go to college in general in japan? Just wondering what I should look into for this idea cause I mean international students are a thing so I assume non language school normal college visas are longer but wondering how it work in this case. My citizenship is us, Maby Mexico too if I can finish this Mexican citizenship stuff from my parents

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  2. It is capped for language schools but for normal university it’s not. You can get your bachelor’s degree and then go get your masters or doctorate degree. You can go from a language school to a university. You would probably have to renew your visa if you do that. I have only experienced having a 2 year student visa but renewing it is easy.

    There are drawbacks for staying in japan while under a student visa. Like only being able to work 28 hours a week and none of the years you live in japan as a student will go towards your permanent residence visa. There are other problems as well

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