Weekly Weekend Thread – 30 October 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Do we really need the heaters on the train to be blaring already? I’m not a fucking lizard. End rant.

  2. – Saturday: recovered from Friday (busy day at work with Halloween parties for the kids), stayed home recovering from an eye infection as well.

    – Sunday: went out with a good friend who I haven’t seen in 3(?) years, and we talked for hours and hours. I had a great time. It was really refreshing because I don’t leave the house much recently other than to go to work

  3. Seem to have yet another cold. Is it just me? Just got over something a couple weeks ago. I feel the cold mornings and hot afternoons are also messing up my system.

  4. got one of those all-in-one pressure cookers and immediately threw together some pulled pork and coleslaw, which turned out great. looking forward to finally trying out stuff like carnitas and slow-cooked ribs.

  5. It’s been a month now since I’ve sprained my ankle, and it’s not 100% yet, but I’m walking and doing pretty much all of my normal activities except riding my bike and climbing. Hoping that the little discomfort that’s left goes away soon.
    Since I’m able to walk again, I went to check out the ruins of Rashomon in Kyoto since I just watched the Kurosawa Akira movie. It’s a children’s playground now with a memorial 石碑; no real ruins. Cool to see anyway!

  6. Joined a hangout event from Meetup, it was meh, filled with very passive people (I was probably the most active to initiate conversation), very shallow talks and at the end the host advertised “pls install this app called つなげーと we will hold future events here” and I realized the meetup was just a way to get more users to sign up for the app.

    Reminds me of another experience- few months ago I joined a badminton session from jmty but turns out the entire group is all Amway members who are trying to recruit more people into their cult.

    Maybe I should just give up on meeting new people here. Sigh

    (I know this is not the rant thread but both of those happened on a weekend, so.)

  7. Worked one night and was sick af for 2 days – either a flu or a sinus infection. No fever but I felt like shit. Promised some professors overdue work on Monday but couldn’t get much done because of the that…

    I’m struggling hard with schoolwork and studying. I feel that there’s no realistic way I can balance having to pass exams, go to all classes on time and do all these reports at the same time with my ADHD. It’s either going to be reports or it’s going to be the exams.. the “accommodations” I was granted are just “go talk to the nurse when you want to d word” (hahahahahahahaha), I kind of want to try negotiating again but I’m tired

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