92-year-old driver ordered to pay 140 million yen over fatal Tokyo crash

92-year-old driver ordered to pay 140 million yen over fatal Tokyo crash


  1. What an absolutely tragic case. I can’t imagine what that poor man has gone through. Hopefully this will bring some closure and allow him to try and move on.

  2. The fact that the old fart wasn’t even remorseful and kept making excuses for himself is so sickening. Too bad he’s 92 and probably won’t even face the full length of his sentence, judge should have thrown the book at this egotistical psychopath and given him the maximum sentence

  3. This case is unbelievable, I’m glad it’s finally come to an end. That poor family 🙁

    The total lack of remorse from the old dude for taking the lives of a woman AND A 3 YEAR OLD CHILD was just insane. Fucking horrible bastard.

  4. First of all, really tragic.


    140 million yen. Makes me wonder.

    Is the penalty based on the wealth of the person? Or is it just a random number?
    Do you inherit debt in Japan?

  5. Not giving details, but as a former researcher, I personally knew him. This guy has worked for a long time at MITI. He has always been used to be treated better than everybody else and always used his connections to make things happen to climb higher in the hierarchy so when the accident happened, I was convinced he would never admit his fault and use all possible ways to get out of it.

  6. I can’t imagine doing that and then not even show remorse or guilt. How anyone with a conscience can behave like that is literally beyond me. It must be very hard for the family too, to be confronted with this revolting attitude. I hope he will not leave prison as long as he’s alive.

  7. Thats too much. Like hes not gonna make it that long bruh… like give the old man some leniency.

  8. Lots of Elderly drives having increased wrecks, never mind the sensors in the new cars that are to reduce the crashes… The Elderly man that killed a woman and her daughter when they were in the cross walks managed to avoid jail time due to his past job in the Government and they tried to White Wash it till the backlash.

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