Orientation dates for July 29th departure group

Hi!! If I’m departing on the 29th, what day will I arrive in Japan and what days specifically are the 3 day orientation in Tokyo? I want to make plans with some people in the area and I want to be sure which days I’ll be there. Like do we arrive and then immediately start the orientation or is it different? Thanks!

  1. Really specific question! Not like there’s a whole world out there where you could be! If you’re departing from NZ, could be same day, UK, probably the 30th, if you’re departing from Florida it could even be the 31st. Not to mention flights with layovers…

  2. (Assuming it’s going back to pre-covid orientation format)

    You’re technically free on the evening of the Sunday you land (may not be much time depending on when your flight lands) and after 5 during the two days of orientation. For me personally, I really struggled with jetlag. This was surprising since I don’t normally get jetlag. I think something about sitting in lectures for 8 hours straight immediately after landing made it harder for me to adjust. I know some people who met up with people or touristed around in the evening, but personally, I barely made it to dinner. I think I actually skipped dinner one day I was so tired.

    On the flip side though, I was waking up at 5, well before anything started orientation wise. It was really cool to wander around Shinjuku in the early morning

    Tldr; I would not recommend making plans since you may be too exhausted from jetlag to go meet up with people. You’ll probably have a better time if you just come back to Tokyo later to meet with friends

  3. Depends on the flight arrival but the orientation is Monday/Tuesday up until like 4/5 if I remember correctly and you have the evening off (some countries had events at their embassies). Some people arrived on the Saturday night/early Sunday and had the whole day free while our group arrived Sunday night (after a 24hr flight) and went straight to bed or went out. Just know that it’ll be hot as balls or you may be super jet lagged so decide when you get there. I did end up going out both Monday and Tuesday though so it’s doable, but you do leave super early (from like 6am for some people) on Wednesday and/or head straight to school/work so you may regret doing too much.

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