Retrial of 1966 Hakamata case begins, sister claims death-row inmate is innocent

Retrial of 1966 Hakamata case begins, sister claims death-row inmate is innocent

1 comment
  1. Poor guy and his poor sister. The fact he was left on death row for decades has always made me think “they” knew it wasn’t him, but face couldn’t be lost and he was an easy scapegoat with his rough background.

    The fact that they “found” clothing a full *14 months later* in the victim’s company miso tanks despite a huge team of cops having initially searched the area would be laughable if it wasn’t so terrifying.

    One of the junior judges at the trial also believed Hakamada was innocent, so much so he quit shortly after the death sentence was imposed.

    After the hundreds of hours of brutal questioning, am pretty sure most people would’ve confessed just to end the torture. Hoping “justice” finally prevails in what can be a rather dubious justice system.

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