

byu/ZestycloseChallenge1 insushi

  1. Next time you see a bunch of yellow jackets, put out a slice of lunch meat and be amazed at how fast it disappears.

  2. Yellow jackets eat meat. They’re great for getting rid of dead animals, but they SUCK for being overly aggressive and stingy.

  3. She’s just feeding her hungry babees.

    Adult Wasps are nectivores, which means they are also pollinators.

  4. Yellowjackets are so cool! They can devour a piece of meat if you give them one. It’ll also distract them so you can eat in peace and not have to worry about accidentally swallowing one or getting stung

  5. yeah, happened to me after grilling steaks once. sucker wrapped his entire body around a piece of meat and flew away with it

  6. Baby yellowjacket! I think they’re cute but yellowjackets do sting like a bitch. And they can sting more than once, unlike bees. I got too close to a nest that was built on the corner of my house and three of them stung me repeatedly and I was so frustrated. Welts for days.

  7. I used to sell seafood at a farmers market and they’ll try to chew through ziplock bags. If you put some out, they’ll take a chunk and try to fly off. Those things are nuts.

  8. I don’t get what’s so surprising about this. Wasps are meat eaters… 🤷🏻‍♂️

  9. We ate too much at a friend BBQ once and we all sat in a food coma and watched a wasp systematically cut pieces of chicken and carry them away and come back for more for like 30 min. He was cutting pretty big chunks off. Was super cool to watch.

  10. I woke up on a backpacking trip one morning to see a bunch of flies and spiders enjoying the warm humid air between my tent and the rainfly. My now wife was still asleep, so I had little to do but lay there and watch the occasional random frantic movements of the bugs. As I watched, a wasp flew in and landed on the tent, walking until it was right next to one of the flies. Then it pounced and held onto the torso of the captured fly. It slowly and methodically spun the fly around, first biting off each of its wings, before continuing to bite off each leg in quick succession. With the fly now thoroughly disabled, it flew off and out of the tent with its prize in tow. I laid there for probably 30 minutes and watched the wasp return again and again, each time the cycle the same.

    The whole thing was silent except for the hum of tiny wings beating, and happening at such a small scale, it was clear why I’d never paid any mind to such things before. But that day changed my whole view of these angry yellow flying ants. These are tiny apex predators, just as skilled of hunters as anything else I’ve ever seen. I’ll never forget it.

  11. Recently learned they love meat. I noticed this summer and fall the wasps were absolutely RELENTLESS and heard on CBC ( month or so ago) an entomologists discuss what’s up with them this year.

    So apparently there’s a few types and they seek out/eat different things depending on factors like species and stage of life cycle. When it gets closer to the colder months, they ramp up finding more protein. I live where alot wasps primary protein is salmon and there just wasn’t enough this year so they resort to other sources (ie. Where people are). They apparently LOVE the grease from BBQ’s as a protein source and that’s a ready available as alot of folks don’t clean them.

    But the fact they love salmon is just so strange to me however explains why they’re going after OP’s sashimi.

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