Does anyone know if Costco is getting turkeys this year?

I live 1.5 hours away from the nearest Costco and I’m sick of driving to see if they have them, since you aren’t able to call individual stores any longer.

  1. I have the same question. has turkeys for 10800 yen. Add in delivery and you’re looking at 13000 yen which is way too expensive.

  2. I’m going whether they have or not in 2-3 weeks. If you ping me or I remember I can let you know (Tama location). Or just call them maybe?

  3. Do you have a Hamamasa nearby? I think they had some last year

    Just checked and both Amazon and Rakuten have frozen turkeys

  4. Just picked mine up yesterday from the Hitachinaka location. Was the last one. Might still get getting more in, but I didn’t ask.

    It’s not a Butterball like in years past, but Prestage Foods. 6.8 kg 7300 yen. The price has gone up a lot. I used to pay 4000 yen for a 7 kg bird.

  5. I don’t know if it helps, but Costco Kadoma has whole turkeys for JPY108/100g according to their LINE open chat. If your local Costco has a similar chat group, you could ask there.

  6. I asked at the Costco counter last week and they said they WON’T be getting any turkeys this year.

    Costco Japan is so useless these days. No pumpkins for making Jack o’lanterns, no turkeys… not much of anything that made it good 20 years ago.

    IMHO It’s making the same mistake as Carrefour did in Japan… stocking so much Japanese stuff that it losing it’s “foreign charm” for the Japanese consumers and becoming just another Japanese supermarket.

    And they don’t care a hoot about their non-Japanese customers here.

    I think I won’t bother renewing after the next card expiry.

  7. I saw turkeys in the Hiroshima Costco today. They were not in the meat section. They were in the frozen section. Also, not the usual butterball, they were an odd brand.

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