Something different Shirako really creamy have anyone else tried 🙏🙏🙏

Something different Shirako really creamy have anyone else tried 🙏🙏🙏

  1. I’ve had it multiple times:

    – raw in sushi: a bit much
    – charcoal grilled: good
    – shabu shabu: better than raw

    There’s definitely a mental aspect to it, but also the way they kind of pop in your mouth like bloated insects is just really weird for me.

    The flavor isn’t bad.

  2. Hey, I had to “milk” urchins in biology lab, I’m cool with cod sperm. I’ve only had it once but it tasted like uni to me (i.e. delicious).

  3. That’s the best thing ever.

    It’s everything I love about oysters without everything I hate about eating oysters. It’s creamy, delicious, and unlike shellfish, I don’t have to deal with the russian roulette called accidently swallowing sand/shell bits that ruin the moment harder than a girl constantly comparing me to her ex.

  4. You folks are metal. I don’t think I could get past the psychological barrier for this one, but good on you for those who have.

  5. We had this at a recent omakase in Tokyo!! They kept calling it “white baby” so I didn’t understand what it was until after lol. We had it grilled or warmed and then you took a shot of hot sake after. It was really good but definitely weird to think about.

    I actually had a harder time eating whale sashimi than this though!

  6. I think that’s the cod one. Nice because of the accoutrement. You haven’t lived until they serve you the fugu one, grilled right before your eyes.

  7. Yup, bought a whole frozen case of it once because I’ll try anything that’s safe to eat. I found it bland. Only interesting thing was the texture. It wasn’t mushy or “jizzy” or anything when steamed or simmered, it just had the undulating outside texture which was pretty cool. I tried it with various sauces and in various preparations. It was fine, it just took on the flavor of whatever you put on it.

    It’s more of a “Fear Factor” thing for people who are grossed out by the idea. But if you’re not, then it’s just kinda there.

  8. Fish semen: 😤✋

    Chicken periods: ☺️👉

    You know what they say: don’t knock it before you try it. It’s actually pretty decent.

  9. Yum! Shirako is awesome stuff. I like it prepped most ways. Ma la style is awesome but doesn’t give you the pure flavor. Grilled I think it the most natural besides raw.

  10. First time I ate it, it was a little weird to me but had surprisingly good flavour as part of a tasting menu at a local restaurant. Second time I had it, I went to the same restaurant and it came as part of the meal. I ate it, promptly felt really disgusted by the texture and flavour and had to excuse myself to the bathroom because I had to throw up 😅 now it makes me feel off even just looking at it

  11. Shirako is one of my favorite seasonal meals, once you get past the mental block. Serving it with a sauce that cuts a bit into the extreme creaminess is the way to go IMO. This looks 10/10.

  12. I got served some in the egg custard during and omakase but it was written as roe and not milt. Not my favorite gonad tbh.

  13. Never even heard of it but would love to try it 🤩 Aside being creamy, does it have much of flavor of any sort?

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