Atlanta Jets

Hi! I’m not sure if this is ok to post. I am applying to Jet this year and I was wondering how many people from the Atlanta consulate were accepted. Did you get any of your placement preferences?

  1. Unfortunately I don’t believe they release the info on how many are accepted from each consulate, but the US is guaranteed half of the available placements each year.

    Anecdotally, I heard from a professor of mine that did JET that Atlanta had a ~60% acceptance rate, but this was 2018, and I don’t know if that’s 60% of applicants or just people that made it to the interviews.

    As for placements, those are a crapshoot on whether or not you’ll get them. Though, again anecdotally, I’ve heard from the same professor and another professor that conducted interviews for JET that higher Japanese proficiency can make a rural placement more likely, while certain medical needs (anything that requires you be near a university hospital) make an urban placement more likely

  2. i’m was accepted at the ATL consulate. my preferences were Tokyo, Okinawa, and Nara, and i’m going to Morioka in Iwate!

  3. I got one of my location preferences, still waiting to see if I got an urban area like I wanted. Based on what I have seen in my friend group, it really does seem like they try to give you something you will enjoy.

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