I need some insight.

I was working my part time gig at the kids’ play space in Aeon the other day when this guy came in dropped his two kids off. I tried explaining the prices to him, but he just kept saying “daijobu. daijobu”. One of his kids started to cry a bit… So he gave them a hug, said, “daijobu”, and walked off.

Despite our charging rates being ‘by the hour’, the father returns after an hour and a half. I try to explain to the parent that there is no cash back on unused time, so if he wants, he’s free to use the remaining time before picking up the kids…

“daijobu daijobu.”

At this point I think perhaps this parent has some sort of disability… y’know, like hodor from Game of Thrones. Now, I don’t want to discriminate (like Koni-chan always says, _”minna chigatte, minna ii~♫”_), so I bring out a laminated board that has our pricing written down in big, easy to understand pictures, braille etc…

_”daijobu daijobu”_

By now customers behind him were talking amongst themselves wondering if ‘daijobu’ meant he understood he wasn’t getting a partial refund, or if it meant that he was going to use the remaining time he has at the facility.

He then brought out this giant velcro wallet attached to his cargo shorts by a chain, and put money down on the counter. At this point I see the customers behind me starting to get agitated, so I take a wild guess and charge him for the two full hours.

He leaves the play area with his kids. I overhear one of the kids say to him that he left his hat in the ball pit. The father says, “daijobu”, and they continue walking.

  1. Maybe he was a “muri” man but went to a motivational seminar and promised to say “daijobu” for a year?

  2. Sounds like a tired father who didn’t give a flying fuck how much any of that cost, he just wanted him some pachinko or whatever.

  3. When you say things are daijobu but you’re not sure if anything’s ever really been daijobu

  4. I almost thought it was a Shimura Ken skit.

    I know it’s parody but if you want to say I understand say hai, wakarimashita.


    Hai, ok desu. Or hai mondai arimasen. Hai daijoubu desu.

  5. I’m having a hard time figuring out whether this is real or you’re punking the donut guy

  6. Maybe he understands that he’s paying for two hours and he doesn’t need it explained? Although the last sentence makes me think maybe he’s ill.

  7. After a long and stressful day with the kids we head to our friend’s gyoza party, which was scheduled 38 months in advance. I tried to bring a bunch of extra donuts for their kids but the lady at Aeon scolded me. Anyway, at the end of the meal, we get hit with a surprise bill from the host. It’s not a lot of money but that’s just weird to have someone invite you for dinner and then bill you. Anyway, I don’t have exact change so I give her the smallest bill I have and she apologizes profusely that she doesn’t have change, and promises to be at my door at 4:55AM tomorrow with the change.

    That seems petty. Are we going to be daijobu?

  8. Was the father Japanese or not? Perhaps he had a very limited Japanese vocabulary and he found it easy to answer most questions with “daijobu.” In my early days here, I could get away with most questions in social settings with a “daijobu” or “hai”. Although it did get me in trouble or a bad situation at times.


    My friend worked at an English school for kids in Mejiro years ago. He would tell me stories of many parents who used the school simply as an afterschool study hall. Many kids would arrive quite early and find an empty classroom and chill, look at their cellphones, etc. until their lesson time. Almost all of them were latchkey kids from wealthier families.

  9. You are so damn petty 😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂 I appreciate you.

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